The all‐in‐fee for each academic participant (student or professor) is 230,-€  inc. 20% VAT

This includes:
‐ Accommodation (room for 2 nights, all meals and coffee/drinks during breaks)
‐ Cost for the evening social event on Wednesday
‐ Conference pack (Conference proceedings, map, gifts)

Conference fee can be paid by bank wire transfer to:

IBAN: SK22 0200 0000 0017 0063 9053
Variable symbol: 04092018 (DO NOT FORGET TO INCLUDE IT!)
Bank: VÚB, a.s., Gorkého 7, 813 20 Bratislava, Slovakia

Owner: Slovak Chemical Society
Radlinského 9
812 15 Bratislava

Company ID number : 178 900
Tax ID number : 2020801563

In the “Message to the recipient”, please, do not forget to include your name/names for identification!